Thursday, May 10, 2007

My Mom's day

Today is my mother's birthday & I choose to remember her through this post. She died rather unexpectedly but in a way that was easy for her and for everybody. She didn't die of any lingering disease. Perhaps, it was God's loving way of taking her.

If there is one word that could describe my mother, it would be PATIENT. She is the most patient woman I have ever known. When I was a child, I wasn't really that close to her. I was more of a daddy's girl but as I entered my teens and became a mother, I became closer to her. Being a well kept woman that she was, she would make sure that she looked presentable even at her old age. She enjoys buying clothes and shoes and would share with me her latest finds. Visits to the mall is something that we both enjoy.

When I was in my teens, I would ask extra money from her when I would have meet-ups with my friends and she would readily give me. When I had my suitors, I would not hesitate to confide to her knowing that she would understand. All throughout my growing up years, there was only one instance wherein my mom spanked me.

She was also a good cook and it is unfortunate that she seldoms does this. She is a working mother and handles our family business full time especially when my daddy got sick.I would always look forward to her cooking of Paksiw na Pata.

We also had our share of misunderstandings especially when I started having a family of my own. There was one incident wherein she would bring my 2 year old daughter alone, without a yaya or baby sitter at McDonald's. I totally disapproved of this because she was not as strong as she used to be and she would be forgetful at times. But through it all, she was someone I could count on to look over my kids when I am out.

The saying that you only get to appreciate your mom when you start having a child of you own is really true. I miss my mom terribly and how I wish she is still with us.

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