Monday, April 2, 2007

Working moms

Working moms are common nowadays as compared to the days of our mothers and grandmothers. Mothers work either out of choice or because they have no choice. If they work, they could be handling a full time career, a business or doing part time/freelance work. In my situation, I worked out of choice. I have experienced being a full time mom and although I love being with my kids, there is still something amiss. I don't know but perhaps I look for the mental stimulation that talking to 3 to 7 year olds could not satisfy. Don't get me wrong. Staying at home to take care of the kids is a noble choice and decision. Children need their mothers especially in their formative years. However, being a mother doesn't necessarily mean giving up yourself. No, giving up is too strong of a word. Perhaps, losing oneself is better. It is a reality that in the everyday chaos of raising a family, there is the tendency to focus only on the kids, talk about the kids and give everything to the kids. But I believe that a mother should not forget to give also to herself. To do activities that she enjoys and that will enable her to flourish as a person. I'm sure my kids will understand my choices and will be proud that their mama has her own achievements aside from giving birth and raising kids. It is also empowering to know that you can contribute to the family's vessel of wealth.

I worked for 2 years in a telecommunications company and the experience and friends I gained there is irreplaceable. However, the demands of the corporate life is too much for a mother of 4 kids to handle. I decided to quit, and slowly start my own business. Having my own business suits me better because I am able to dictate my work hours and work load. Though it is not as stable as being an employee, it keeps me busy and makes me financially independent. As I've read somewhere, working is what makes us distinct from our animal kingdom counterparts.

Reflecting on this, I am fortunate for the opportunities that came my way. I encourage other mothers out there to reach out to their dreams. It doesn't have to be a full blown business right away. It can spring from a simple hobby like baking or cross stitch. Look around you and discover what you enjoy doing. Maybe this hobby can jumpstart a home based business that can lead to a dream you've always wanted. There are never ending possibilities..... doors that may lead to another but you will never know unless you start NOW and give it a try.

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