Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Simple pleasures

Cooling myself in a glass of special Halo Halo is something that I do during these past few days. It is special not because of its ingredients.... hey, it doesn't even have ice cream or leche flan on top... but because we made it ourselves. Since I have 4 kids, I thought it would be economical if we make our own Halo Halo than buy at 30php each. With the summer heat, the kids has been nagging me everyday to buy Halo Halo or ice cream to cool off. So, off I went and bought an ice shaver and ingredients and started our own Halo Halo buffet. The kids liked the idea and they get to choose their own ingredients or have more of their favorites. But the thing that really makes this treat special is because we get to share some bonding moments while doing it. And mind you, it is a family effort. Their dad gets to shave the ice, the older brother and sister puts in the ingredients, I put in the milk while the 2 small ones eagerly await while we finish the task.

Seeing everybody's faces fill with glee, I am reminded that we often take simple pleasures for granted. We can spend good times together with our loved ones without really spending so much. But most of all, it is a good way to build memories with our children, memories that they will bring with them when they grow up.

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