Monday, June 16, 2008

Red Marked Dates

Last June 12 was our country's Independence Day or birthday as we may put it. However, the new generation, our children, will never really know when our country's birthday really is. Why? It's because of our President's fondness for a long weekend. Ever since Arroyo became the head of the state, you can never rely on your trusted calendar for the red marked holidays. There is nothing wrong with that, if you ask me, in trying to give our labor force a much deserved long break but please not all the time. These dates were made holidays for its meaning and are part of Philippine history like our Independence Day & Rizal Day to name a few. And it is in history that we learn from the mistakes of our ancestors and ascertain the courage of our heroes.

With us, adults, there is no problem with the replacement since the event is already imparted in our memory but how about the new generation? How will kids know that June 12 is really our Independence Day when June 8 was declared holiday to give way for a long weekend? You could say that they should just memorize the dates but there is more to it than just simply memorizing. It is the simple act of celebrating that day that makes it a part of your being a Filipino.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Visiting Sagada

Where can you find a place that is so serene and blessed by nature? Where the people are kind and accommodating? Where the way of life is so simple.... seemingly untouched by the rapid changes in our society not because they do not have access to it but because they want to protect their way of life?

Where else but in the beautiful Sagada, Mountain Province. It is a place that would entail twelve to thirteen hours travel from Manila.

For a family of six, bringing our own vehicle was the most logical thing to do. We took the Baguio route going there and the Banaue route going home. There was around 3 hours of bumpy and butt aching ride as the only road leading to Sagada is not all cemented.

What makes the bumpy ride worthwhile is that you are treated by a spectacular view of nature.

Sagada is known for its scenery & caves. So we wasted no time in visiting its famous Sumaging cave. One must register at the municipal hall upon arrival before you can tour the town. They have an organized Guides Association who will accompany you when you do your chosen adventure. The rates are all standardized so there is no worry of being overcharged. Getting a guide is a must especially when you visit the caves and go hiking as it is easy to get lost and once inside the limestone caves, it is very slippery. We availed 2 guides since we are a group of 6, mostly kids who would need assistance. I must say that the guides were worth it. Since I have 2 little boys ages 5 & 6, they easily carried them on their shoulders when treading the slippery rocks inside the caves. They are skilled mountaineers and they really know their way around.

The experience of going inside the cave was quite difficult for me at first but later on got the hang of it. The guides took our hands on the parts where one would be required to go up or down on steep stones. Inside, you will be amazed at the magnificent stalactite formation and as you go deeper in the cave, fresh cold water will be a welcome refresher. Treading carefully is a must as the lime stones can be very slippery. There are portions wherein they asked us to go barefoot, coached us where to pass or how to climb the rope. My kids never complained and were excited by what they are seeing. They even took a dip in the cold water. To say that it was a thrilling experience is an understatement. The exhilaration of exploring the huge cave and making it out was truly unforgettable. One thing though that I really found hard was the part of going up to the mouth of the cave. It was a long climb up that I was really panting. Whew!

The next day, we went hiking for the Kiltepan view. Reaching the top, one would be awed by the magnificent scenery it offers. The mountain terrains and the Sagada terraces are so awesome. Some visitors go there to have a picnic and admire their surroundings. Definitely a photographer's haven.

There were so many places that we went to see like the Bokkeng waterfalls where the kids enjoyed a swim. The Hanging coffins, Burial caves, Echo Valley & St. Mary church are also among the places that we visited. Going to the burial sites require silence & respect as the natives or Ifugaos treat these places as holy.

Finally, after a day of adventure & sightseeing, what better way to cap the day but with a big cup of freshly brewed coffee from Bana cafe. Their coffee is superb at a super low price of Php 20.00! Coffee beans are grown locally there so you could just imagine its freshness that comes with the aroma. Complement your coffee with a Lemon Pie Meringue from Lemon Pie house for only Php18.00. Then sit back and relax your weary muscles from all the hiking you made.