Tuesday, August 14, 2007

School Trend

It's the week of the 1st quarterly exams for most of the schools here. Not only are the kids preparing but the parents as well. As I scanned the pages of the notebooks of my daughter for her pointers for review, I gulped at the length of coverage. Whew!

The school's curriculum nowadays
is much more competitive than before. My daughter who is currently in Grade 3 comes home from school loaded with 4 to 5 assignments. It doesn't leave much time for her to relax after spending the whole day at school. No wonder kids are so stressed and pressured. Before, services of a tutor would be needed when the child is performing poorly academically but now, tutors are there even for kids who are doing well in their report card. But kids are very adaptive in nature. Their malleability enables them to adjust in any given situation.

It is definitely a whole new ballgame for this generation... of achieving and expecting more from our kids. It's either you go with the flow to keep up with the advances or be left behind.

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