Thursday, August 7, 2008

When the Dust Settles...

Picture this. A bright, sunny day and you are standing in the middle of the road when you see a speeding car. It's too late and you got hit. You're thrown in the air, you hit the sidewalk & still shocked by what happened, you try to get up. You can't believe that the driver almost killed you and didn't even bother to stop.

Shuddering right? Well, that is how it is when a crisis hits you. Difficulties come at a time when you least expect it. But when the dust settles, you gather yourself and try to pick up the remaining pieces of what's left. They say that every crisis is a call to greatness. And every callous deed done to you by a person is a call for you to rise above it all. I say, it is a call of faith. The difficult moments of our life will shape us to be a better person. We have been given an ability to cope to whatever life offers us. However, it would all depend on how one would react to a tough situation.

How often do we find ourselves hindered by negative thoughts that almost surely it affects our work? How often do we find ourselves overshadowed by the wrong decisions that we make. Often, we justify our actions and thoughts by saying that these are the things that we have no control over. We support the premise that we are victims of our destiny simply because it relieves us of the guilt and it is the most convenient thing to say. But that is otherwise. The greatest gift we have been given is the power to choose. We can choose how to cope with life's uncertainties and situations. We can choose how to respond when someone's callous behaviour hurts us. We can choose to succumb to weakness or to stand up & be strong, or choose to walk the right but hard path rather than choose to do the easy but erroneous way. The decisions that we make in life is the legacy that we will leave behind.

Empowerment is the key word here. We are empowered as human beings to choose as to how to react to what life throws upon us. Any person can be laid off from work, have huge amounts of debt, have a terminally sick family member or be dumped by a spouse. The disparity here is how we will react to this experience. The old saying, "When life throws you lemons, make a lemonade" is true.

But if I may add, make it a pitcher of you can share it with others.
Life is still beautiful!

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