Friday, August 3, 2007

Topic Hunting

Imagine this. You start typing a few sentences then after that, a complete stop. Nothing follows. The harder you try to finish this, the more difficult it gets. I think every writer's fear is not having something to write about. I, for one, experiences this from time to time. Having days wherein I would feel that I could no longer squeeze any creative juices out of my mind is not new to me.

I observed that I would find it difficult to write when I am jaded by the day-to day events of living. When everything seems to be ordinary and nothing seems to be interesting. What could be worst than staring at your computer screen and nothing comes out? For bloggers like me, it is but essential to update one's blog regularly and doing this would require effort. So, I'd like to share some of the things that I do when hunting for a topic.
  • Step out of the computer. This means diverting your energies by doing something else. It could be taking a walk, talking to a friend, playing with my kids or doing household chores.
  • Ponder on the day's or coming events. Often, this could be a good kick start for a topic.
  • Ask friends for ideas. You can't think of everything so you can seek suggestions from your friends as to what could be a good topic that to dwell on.
  • Experience something new. Routine zaps out the creative juices that we have inside us. Now, I don't mean you have to go bungee jumping or skydiving for you to be able to write. Just try to step out of your comfort zone so as to encounter something new. It is through this occurence that one would be able to fertilize that creativity in us needed in writing.
  • Read newspapers. This is a good way to know what's going on around you and writing your opinions about current events could be a start.
  • Write your ideas. Sometimes, ideas can come to you when you least expect it. If this is the case, having a pen and notebook with you always will enable you to jot down your idea and not forget about it. You can then go back to it later when you are ready to write.
  • Be sensitive to inspirations. Inspirations do not always come handed down in a silver platter. You just have to attune your senses to look for it and work with what you have.

1 comment:

Kat said...

Was smiling to myself reading this article..!!! I am not a writer nor have such talent and do admire people who can think craft and put to pen their thoughts. Couple of days back bristled myself and set to write something… and sigh… was staring at the blank monitor and then realized that mind too went blank.

So casually moved over for a CoC ( Cup of Coffee) and to my delight was greeted with an article that seemed to answer me..!!!!

Precisely written for self starters and kick starters kinds. Tks.

Made me determined to write whatever I could…. It may not be good, but did leave me pleased..!!

P.S. Thanks for your thoughts. Did you see that I’ve replied in same article :-)