Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Why I Blog?

According to Wikipedia, " A blog provides commentary or news on a particular subject such as food, politics, or local news. Others function as a personal online diary." With this definition, anybody can make a blog! And why shouldn't you?

I came up with 8 reasons why I should write a blog. Feel free to come up with your own.

  1. It is an avenue to express myself. A blog allows me to share my thoughts and feelings in the world wide web. This lets other people know what a regular person like me is thinking. The human element in it makes it more interesting.
  2. It will unravel my creativity inside. Initially, I was skeptical about starting a blog thinking that I do not have enough imagination to write a series of posts. Well, after a few weeks of focusing on it, it became easier and easier. Blogging allowed me to discuss various topics and constant writing will fuel that ingenuity.
  3. It will improve my writing skills. Writing daily expanded my word selection, sentence construction and so on. When I read my earlier articles or posts, I observed a marked improvement. Just like any other skill, writing takes practice.
  4. It links me to the rest of the world. A blog bonds me to other people through the thoughts, comments or opinions that I share. When I read someone else's blog, I know that I am in connection with a human being and not some corporate website.
  5. It makes me a considerate writer. Knowing that my articles can be read by anyone who has Internet access, it made me a bit more conscious with my writing being careful not to offend any race, religion or culture by the issues I discuss.
  6. It makes me a considerate reader. Having a blog myself enabled me to be understanding and appreciative of other people's views, experiences & knowledge.
  7. It keeps a record of events. Writing everyday about the things happening around me serves as a journal that I can read back anytime I want. It may not be significant to me at present but five years from now, I know I will relish reading my posts again.

Well, so far these are what I can think of. How about you? What's your personal reason for blogging? Let me know your thoughts on this.


Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Se você quiser linkar meu blog no seu eu ficaria agradecido, até mais e sucesso.(If you speak English can see the version in English of the Camiseta Personalizada.If he will be possible add my blog in your blogroll I thankful, bye friend).

Jun-no Carreon said...

I don't blog because I don't know how to... do it and start, I mean. Besides, I just want to share my experiences only with a handful... no, with you only. You're my blog. (:-)

Kat said...

hmmmmmm... You've covered quite exhaustively.

It started with reading to get to understand people-like-me's thoughts... and then it inspired to experiment to write. Needs a lot of tinkering on that front :-)

I wanted to learn keyboard and after getting NOC (No-Objection-Certificate)from family, bought a keyboard yesterday.

Asked the sales-man, do mice like the inner parts of the keyboard...? he looked astonished and said... " please close the keyboard positively after use... ants and insects like the rubber parts inside, which are sort of sweet, for them..!!!!!!!! "

So you see - reading blogs is making me wiser too :-))))

P.S What happened to your Toshiba projector? There's saying in Tamil - Only the kid that cries gets milk..!!!!

Hope you're making a hue and cry..!