Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Sense

Every Christmas that passes, its appeal and magic loses its touch on me. It's because as I get older and busier, the season brings only more stress into my life. Shopping gifts and tokens for family and friends, not to mention my children's classmates became a chore. The list of Yuletide programs that my kids have makes it even harder to squeeze into my tight schedule. Given the choice, I would rather not put up any Christmas decors knowing that the effort in putting it down would be doubled with all the dust it has gathered.

Am I turning into a scrooge? I realized that I am starting to become one unless I change my perspective of things. So I tackled the things I have to do into smaller tasks so as not to be overwhelmed. Now, with only 3 days before Christmas, all the gifts are wrapped under the tree & my grocery list is complete. I can sit back and quietly wait for it.

And so for this Yuletide season, I wish the same for all of you who are reading this post. May you take time off from your busy work, family and social demands. May you have a quiet moment wherein you can reflect and be with yourself and not be drowned in the series of parties you have to attend. I wish for you the gift of being still. It is only in us that we can find the true meaning of the season.

Have a good Christmas everybody!

1 comment:

Kat said...

I remember a story...

Two young lads were on their way to Church... one was from an affluent family and the other from a poor one.

En-route the boys saw some fruits lying under a tree... the poor one thought he'll take it back to his family for food and miss the Church... the other one chided him telling that the Church was more important.

The poor boy didn't heed and went back home with the fruits.

In Church, the rich boy sat thinking how the fruits would be eaten by that family.... and the poor one at home, was thinking sadly - that he missed the commune with God...!!!!

The spirit of Christmas is more important - and the kids need to be explained to practise that in their lives.

And we parents serve as a ladder to elevate their thoughts.

I am sure all of us do this.... and some day our kids would blog that :-))))

Wish you all a merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.