Friday, July 13, 2007

Thirty what?

For those of you who are thirty something, let me ask you,

"How does it feel to be in your thirties?"

Thirties huh? Sounds ancient if you're going to ask a teenager. A lot of us may cringe at the thought of getting old. But if you ask me, I would say Great!

I am thirty six years old and never felt this good. Stepping into your thirties makes you feel more confident about things that matter in life like work, family and yes... sex included. It means you know what you want and where you are going. It means you are more assertive and people can not push you around anymore. You have more experience but not yet an expert on life.

Looking back in my 36 years, I have been through the many ups and downs of life. I was a daughter, a teenager, a student, somebody's friend, now an entrepreneur, a wife and a mother. Some decisions I made in life were good, some were bad, some were so so, but through it all, I have managed to survive. But I believe, I still have a lot to learn from what life may have to offer.

I wonder what the 40s will be?

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