Monday, July 30, 2007

Working from Home

Working from home is what I've been doing for the past 3 years. I've worked in a telecommunications company before but I knew that the corporate set-up would not suit me. And I was right. I was happy with my job and with my colleagues but I was not happy with the rigidness of a corporate set-up. But most of all, I was not happy that I missed out on some of my family's activities.

I knew I had to choose. And so I resigned. When I did quit, I was excited that I had so much plenty of time, that I can enjoy the day with my young kids while the older ones are at school, that I do not have to dress-up and worry about the reports I have to submit, that I can watch the late morning TV programs that I would normally miss and so much more. I was ecstatic!... at least for the first 2 months.

After a while, I became restless. I knew I wanted to do something, something that could make me feel occupied and at the same time earn extra income. Besides, it is liberating to know that I earn my own money.

So I started a home based business and been doing some freelance writing on the side. This enabled me to dictate my own time and decide my work load. It is a perfect set-up on the outside but working at home also has its setbacks.

You see, it is twice as hard to get things done when you work at home. The enemy mainly is distraction. With writing, it is difficult to be distracted because there would be instances wherein nothing comes out and there would also be instances wherein ideas are racing out of my mind and I am typing very fast. So, you could just imagine how impatient I would get when I am suddenly stopped from my work.

Since I work at home, a lot of things could distract me like my kids, the telephone, the TV, the mailman etc. You really have to be disciplined and allot a time to really just work and shut yourself up from all the things going on around the house. It would also mean training the kids to respect your time when you are working.

But, nothing could be more perfect for me than this present set-up that I have. Despite it's disadvantages, I love it and I wouldn't exchange it for anything else.

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