Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Slow Afternoons

What’s you favorite part of the day? For me, it’s the early afternoons wherein the house would be really quiet. Around this time of the day, only my youngest son, Aaron, is at home. Being 3 years old, he is the only one among the siblings not going to school yet.

My son & I pretty much have a routine during school days. We bring his older brother to preschool at 12 noon, back in the house by 12:30 pm then we eat lunch together. I then let him watch his favorite cartoon show of all time, Tom & Jerry, which lasts for 30 minutes then I make him take his afternoon nap.

With him sleeping, I have the house and my thoughts all by myself. I can easily finish reading the projects I have to submit or answer emails. If time permits and if my creativity cooperates, I also update my blog. But, if I am feeling lazy or nothing much to do, I cuddle with my toddler who looks so peaceful taking his afternoon respite.

Around 3pm, I wake him up so we can fetch his sister and brothers in school. He enjoys the car ride so much that I take him whenever possible.

Kinda simple, huh? Some may shrug it off, but for me, it is the reason why I do not want to be an employee again. I can’t do this if somebody else owns my time.

Wouldn’t exchange my slow afternoons for anything.

1 comment:

Kat said...

…heaven on earth is our making. Good you’re enjoying it.